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Family, humor & alternative building wrapped up in a 15-20+ minute show every Friday!
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Twas the Night Before Christmas but for Builders - Parody - Weekly Peek Ep384

This week we do a fun spin on the classic poem ‘The Night Before Christmas’. We erect the posts around the earthbag shop, tackle more rocks & stress test the new beams Garen has been building. Things go a little awry but we get everything done. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas! Have a delightful weekend :)

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MyLittleHomestead Community 24/7 Live Chat

Have a question about hyperadobe? Chickens? Anything? Maybe you want to shoot the breeze with us or other members of the community. Join our 24/7 live chat. We want to connect with & bring our homesteading family together! :)

New Video!

This episode we complete the roof panels on our shop! The gals share their exciting new discoveries about the paver exterior & we go into detail on all the things we've learned so far. Thank you for watching & hanging out with us! :D


This video we setup & explain our multilayered strategy to protecting our flock from the wildlife. We have recently been acquiring more of our favorite farm animals & we want to set them up for success. If you have any tips or tricks to protecting your animals or if you'd like some ideas to defending yours, consider checking out & posting in the comments below. We would love for that space to become a place for folks to help each other. Protecting your animals is no easy task sometimes! Thank you so much. Have an amazing Thanksgiving!

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